Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Posters for your Beaches are Ready to Order

It is time to alert not only residents but the public that Swimmer's Itch is present occasionally on our beaches. The signage enables people to adequately protect themselves before swimming through the most up-to-date information we have.

The aluminum signs, are double sided, 2 ft. by 3 ft. in white wood framing and double posts. Smaller signs may be put in bulletin board cases. The red signs are laminated, double sided, 13 in. by 19 in. on metal stakes, and are posted for 24 hours after the swimming area has been raked. These signs are available at BaySide Printing, Inc. and can be adapted with your own local information. BaySide Printing, Inc., P.O. Box 1124, 515 Main Street, Frankfort, MI 49635. (231) 352-4440.

The Crystal Lake Swimmer's Itch Partnership and the Crystal Lake and Watershed Association near Frankfort, Michigan, designed these signs and will be putting them up next summer on several beaches around the lake. We thank them for the time it took to do the designs and to find someone willing to print them. Please call BaySide Printing to have them make a custom sign for your beach. Thank you Meredith McNabb.

Posted by Carolyn Bates from email sent from Meredith.