Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Posters for your Beaches are Ready to Order

It is time to alert not only residents but the public that Swimmer's Itch is present occasionally on our beaches. The signage enables people to adequately protect themselves before swimming through the most up-to-date information we have.

The aluminum signs, are double sided, 2 ft. by 3 ft. in white wood framing and double posts. Smaller signs may be put in bulletin board cases. The red signs are laminated, double sided, 13 in. by 19 in. on metal stakes, and are posted for 24 hours after the swimming area has been raked. These signs are available at BaySide Printing, Inc. and can be adapted with your own local information. BaySide Printing, Inc., P.O. Box 1124, 515 Main Street, Frankfort, MI 49635. (231) 352-4440.

The Crystal Lake Swimmer's Itch Partnership and the Crystal Lake and Watershed Association near Frankfort, Michigan, designed these signs and will be putting them up next summer on several beaches around the lake. We thank them for the time it took to do the designs and to find someone willing to print them. Please call BaySide Printing to have them make a custom sign for your beach. Thank you Meredith McNabb.

Posted by Carolyn Bates from email sent from Meredith.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Products That May Prevent Swimmers Itch

Lifeguard-Alcohol based waterproof sunscreen. Non skin drying. Liquid. Fast drying. Easy to apply. Place in small hand pump sprayer. Seems to work without citronella oil. If you do add Citronella Oil only add 3 drops to an 8 oz bottle.

Citronella Oil-natural plant insect repellent. Use in waterproof lotion sunscreen. A little goes a long way. 1 drop in a whole palm full or 3 drops in a 8 oz bottle.

Using too much citronella may discolor towels or showers.

Waterproof sunscreen with insect repellent-Bug and Sun(with DEET) and DEET Free BullFrog. There are special precautions for the use of chemical insect repellent sunscreens on children and adults. Read manufacturer directions carefully.

If you contract Swimmers Itch ask your pharmacist about effectice anti-itch lotions and Benedryl.

Some users have reported success with these products. Scientific testing is not available at this time and the products are not endorsed by the Swimmers Itch Task Force. Follow manufacturer's instructions.

Jana B. Way SI Task Force Crystal Lake MI

Friday, August 27, 2010

Links and basic Facts

Swimmers Itch USA is my latest blog to interact with a local task force and others to find ways to combat Swimmer's Itch (SI), found in most northern lakes in the USA.

What it is: Swimmers Itch is a human skin irritation that can occur when a swimmer comes in contact with microscopic organisms that cycle between snails and waterfowl. The organisms in the water may accidently enter the skin of humans where they will die within 24 hours. The red spots or rash are an allergic reaction to the organism's proteins. Some people are not affected while others, especially children, may have a severe case of intense itching and fever which can last a few days up to a week.

I have taken action by joining the The Swimmer's Itch Task Force. We are starting with Crystal Lake, located in Frankfort, Michigan. Crystal Lake has personal meaning for me because my family has a cottage on the lake. As a result of my severe allergy to Swimmer's Itch, my time swimming at the lake is ruined.

This blog has been set up by the task force to start the conversation about SI. It could be a great resource for individuals and lake associations to notify and inform people of this infection. You can post your comments and information about Swimmer's Itch, on this Swimmer's Itch USA Blog.

If you would like to find more information about Swimmer's Itch, click or paste in the links below. The Task Force will be adding information within this blog, that may duplicate or add to what you find in these links. But this will get you started right away.

Google Health:

Wikipedia - Swimmer's itch's_itch

CDC - Swimmer's Itch (Cercarial dermatitis) Fact Sheet

Basic facts:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Swimmer's Itch Task Force: Mission

The Swimmer's Itch Task Force has been established to address the problem of Swimmer's Itch in the northern lakes of the USA.
We are starting with Crystal Lake, located in Frankfort, Michigan. This group consists of representatives from the Crystal Lake and Watershed Association, CSA, Crystal Lake Yacht Club, Chimney Corners, Crystal Beach Cottagers Association, Crystal Conference Center, the towns of Frankfort and Beulah, Mi, and Burlington, VT. The Task Force is taking the following steps to combat Swimmer's Itch:

1. Raking the bottom of all major swimming areas to disturb snail habitat (one host of SI) and evaluation procedure starting June 2010.

2. Posting signs at all major beaches providing information regarding prevention and treatment early 2011.

3. Obtained participation of local drug stores in stocking products that may prevent and/or provide relief from SI as of June 2010.

4. Providing informational and educational materials for residents.

5. Evaluating the effectiveness of bird repellents from swimming areas.

6. Contacting other lake associations to explore options regarding the entrapment, inoculation and relocation of selected waterfowl.

7. Joining other lake associations to help communicate with the Department of Natural Resources.

8. Ongoing research and testing for SI including preventative products.

9. Encourage normal hunting of common Mergansers during hunting season (one of the hosts of SI).