Friday, August 27, 2010

Links and basic Facts

Swimmers Itch USA is my latest blog to interact with a local task force and others to find ways to combat Swimmer's Itch (SI), found in most northern lakes in the USA.

What it is: Swimmers Itch is a human skin irritation that can occur when a swimmer comes in contact with microscopic organisms that cycle between snails and waterfowl. The organisms in the water may accidently enter the skin of humans where they will die within 24 hours. The red spots or rash are an allergic reaction to the organism's proteins. Some people are not affected while others, especially children, may have a severe case of intense itching and fever which can last a few days up to a week.

I have taken action by joining the The Swimmer's Itch Task Force. We are starting with Crystal Lake, located in Frankfort, Michigan. Crystal Lake has personal meaning for me because my family has a cottage on the lake. As a result of my severe allergy to Swimmer's Itch, my time swimming at the lake is ruined.

This blog has been set up by the task force to start the conversation about SI. It could be a great resource for individuals and lake associations to notify and inform people of this infection. You can post your comments and information about Swimmer's Itch, on this Swimmer's Itch USA Blog.

If you would like to find more information about Swimmer's Itch, click or paste in the links below. The Task Force will be adding information within this blog, that may duplicate or add to what you find in these links. But this will get you started right away.

Google Health:

Wikipedia - Swimmer's itch's_itch

CDC - Swimmer's Itch (Cercarial dermatitis) Fact Sheet

Basic facts:

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